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When Church & Government Collide

Product Description
Today many Christians are asking the question, �How far do we go politically in defending our Christian values?� Jeff Canfield tackles this delicate but timely subject in a straightforward, tactful style that is Christ-honoring and balanced. His book reflects godly wisdom by effectively drawing the lines between activism and extreme activism while providing much needed practical advice on �what American Christians should currently be doing.�
More than ever we see Christianity colliding with government as liberal political initiatives pollute the workplace, education system, and worst of all our local churches. The answer for the Christian is a passionate return to our biblical roots. When Church and Government Collide examines the negative impact of many of these secular ideologies while offering remedies from God�s Word.
Topics include: No Apologies for Speaking the Truth; Strengthening the Family; Bigger God, Not Bigger Government; and To Whom Do We Owe Our Allegiance? A devotional call to prayer follows each chapter, as well as practical ideas of how to implement biblical principles. When Church and Government Collide will help awaken sleeping Christians, encourage those wearied by the battle, and fortify the resolve of those leading on the front lines.
Without a doubt, this is the most relevant book on politics and religion I�ve read. A big thanks to Pastor Jeff for his diligence and obedience to God in putting these important principles into writing!