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This Present Evil World

Product Description
This is a very simple, yet profound message that examines the true source of evil in the world. Pastor Donald Perkins clearly shows why evil is not the fault of a loving God, while proving from Scripture that man himself has caused all chaos and sin � being misled and deceived by Satan to disobey our Creator. He also reveals God�s remedy for sin and evil in a tactful and straight-forward style.
Donald is a friend who has spoken at many of the same conferences as Gary. While Gary may not completely agree with Donald�s timeline of prophesied end-time events, his presentation on the origin and solution to evil is very sound and spiritually uplifting. It demonstrates how the world became cursed because of one man�s sin, but how sin also has been overcome by one man who redeemed us.
This is a short, easy-to-understand message that should be passed along to those who are new in the faith or doubt the reality of a spiritual battle between good and evil in the heavenly as well as earthly realms.