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Radical Islam in the House: The Plan to Take America for the Global Islamic State

Product Description
Radical Islam in the House leaps from today's headlines. It exposes the deep penetration of radical Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood into the federal government at the invitation of President Obama, even though the Muslim Brotherhood has been declared a terrorist organization by Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. This book also exposes the lie that Islam is a religion of peace. Historically Islam has been spread at the point of the sword through war - just as ISIS is doing today. Although the Muslim Brotherhood claims it is peaceful, it is not. Its goals are exactly the same as those for al Qaeda and ISIS: to create a global Caliphate or world government. The Brotherhood says it will use violence when needed, and it has a well-developed, step-by-step plan to turn America into an Islamic nation. (NOTE: While we do not necessarily support every conclusion in this book, it contains a trove of valuable information about the Islamic religion and its tactics that you may not get elsewhere.)