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The State of the Union: The Crisis Deepens

Item# d157

Product Description

This 55-minute PowerPoint presentation was taped before a live audience at the 2009 Calvary Chapel Midwest Bible Conference in Lafayette, Indiana. Gary gives a detailed account of where the United States currently stands economically, politically and spiritually. He examines the new Obama administration and the crisis it faces. Where is the US headed? What are the goals of Barack Obama and Europe�s top leaders? And, which key US industries are already owned by foreign powers? These are just a few of the questions addressed by Gary in this eye-opening message. He wraps up his talk with practical advice and spiritual application, providing hope and inspiration for difficult times. More preparation and time went into this presentation than any Gary has ever done. It is replete with documentation and visual aides. This package includes a CD of Gary�s PowerPoint images and charts for close-up review. It is an absolute must for every Christian who wants to be discerning and prepared for the days ahead! Please do what you can to help us spread this message.

NOTE: This revised, more current presentation replaces Gary�s DVD Global Government Unleashed that was taped at the Steeling the Mind Conference in February 2009.