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My Kingdom Come – The Mormon Quest for Godhood

Product Description
Becoming an actual god is the ultimate goal of every member of the Latter-day Saints (LDS) Church. Mormons believe the reason for coming to earth from the planet near the great star Kolob is to gain bodies for our spirit beings and to be tested. To become gods, they need to be Mormons, go through the temple to learn the signs and tokens for entry to the celestial glory, and be obedient unto death to the holy prophet. In this book Ed Decker – who spent 20 years of his adult life as a member of the LDS Church before becoming a Christian – thoroughly examines the workings and teachings of Mormonism. He also devotes an entire chapter to the Mormon Plan for America and the rise of Mitt Romney.
At one time Decker was a member of the “Holy Melchizedek” priesthood, a “Temple Mormon” and active in leadership in local LDS churches. He has spent the last 30 years researching and writing about Mormonism. His books, like The Godmakers and Fast Facts on False Teachings, along with his movies and other materials on the subject are widely distributed. (437 pages)